Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fertiity Report #1

Just a quick IVF check in....
My baseline results
1) 34 antrals (down from 46 after one month of BCPs - is that a normal reduction for PCOs?)
2) Estradiol level 28
3) Lh level 2.2
4) Progesterone level 1.5

*Everything looks good!

The plan:
Tonight I'll be reducing my Lupron dosage from 10 to 5 units (thank goodness, maybe it will help with the hot flashes and other issues)
I'll also be starting 125 ius of Follistim!  Yea, finally...time to wake up follies.
First monitoring appointment - Tuesday 3/15 
continuing baby aspirin and Folic acid


  1. Yay for an awesome plan! :) Congrats on starting stims! I'm just a little bit jealous...

  2. Yay for stims. Hope the pen works out ok. Keep me posted on your Boston plans in April!

  3. Gosh it's all happening so fast!

    I am really excited for you and can't wait to see how you react to the stims.
    Good luck dear!

  4. You are on your way! I hope that the reduced lupron dose helps with the side effects - I'm not looking forward to that part of my IVF cycle as lupron was *not* my friend when I did 6 months for my endo... Good Luck!

  5. Yay for starting Follistim! Good luck!

  6. YAYYY!!! Sounds great! I'm so excited!!

  7. Hoping your monitoring appt goes well tomorrow!
    ER will be here before you know it :)
