Stories Project

So, there is something I've been thinking about doing for a long time, and now seems like the best time to do it as it will hopefully keep me distracted from thinking out every horrible, worst case scenario ending for this pregnancy.

A lot of you ladies have recently mentioned some brave words and thoughts about IF activism, and I've been reading them all and trying to figure out where exactly I fit in with this particularly "ism".  I want to do something to help other families going through IF, especially those that may not have access to or have found a community like ours, and I've think I found my idea.

Now, I am not the strongest writer in the world, but I can edit other people's work like a champ, and have been known to compose some pretty decent short essays.  I have a feeling there are a lot of us like that out here in the blogosphere, as well as a lot of really fantastic writers, so I am making this proposition to you all:

  1. Send me your stories: Write down, in 2 - 4 pages (maybe a little more and I can help you edit it down), the story of your IF journey so far.  Feel free to write about the whole journey, or to just highlight the parts you feel have been the most poignant for you.  Also, feel free to pull from your blogs, but make sure to give me permission to use your writing when you send your email.  Here are some examples of topics, but please don't limit yourself to only these:
    • General Infertily
    • PCOS, Endometriosis, DOR, or other medical condition
    • Miscarriage/Loss
    • Pregnancy after infertility
    • Motherhood/Parenthood after infertility
    • Advanced maternal age and IF
    • Marriage/Love and IF
    • Single mom IF
    • Male perspectives on IF
    • Adoption after IF
    • A.R.T. adventures
    • Support groups
    • Male factor infertility
  2. Make it anonymous or put your name or just put your age and town/state.  This is entirely up to you, but please provide me with a valid email address in case I need to contact you for any type of release or other legal issue.
  3. Share this post with your blog readers, hopefully spreading the word and bringing in many more varied stories.  
The goal of all this:  I want to gather together a variety of personal stories from the blogospehere, and hopefully publish them - making them available to couples outside of our Blogger community.  I want to make your stories heard, and to give other infertile families a chance to learn from our community and to find support in it.   Each of our stories has the ability to connect with at least one person, somewhere out there, and to make them feel just a little less alone as they journey through this difficult time in their lives.

So, this I vow to you all now - Share your stories with me, and I will fight to make them heard and to help others battling this terrible disease!

Please send your submissions to:

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you,

- Kerri